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Without funds and support from our community and Lowndes County alumnus, teachers, staff and friends, LEIF's programs would not be possible. We seek and accept gifts of cash and negotiable securities, real property, deferred gifts (estate, insurance), and in-kind services. 

Ways to Donate

Feazell Giving Tree

By contributing $250 or more, an individual or business will receive a leaf on the Feazell Giving Tree to represent their gift. 


LEIF holds fundraising events, restaurant percentage nights and other activities to raise funds. Upcoming events will be shared on our website and through social media. 

Amazon Smile

 When you shop at, Amazon donates to the charity chosen. Be sure to choose Lowndes Education Improvement Foundation!

Feazell Giving Tree

All donors will be recognized at a LEIF Recognition Program in the Spring at the LHS Performing Arts Center. Contributions of $250 or more earn a leaf on the Feazell Giving Tree. The Tree was beautifully crafted by students in the LHS Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Department, and is displayed by the entrance of the Board of Education Office. Leaves on the tree represent annual gifts to the Foundation in the following categories:


GOLD Sponsorship - $1,000 & Above

  • Recognition as a Gold Level contributor in the program

  • Gold Oak Leaf on the Feazell Giving Tree

  • Preferential seating at the LEIF Recognition Program


SILVER Sponsorship - $500-$999

  • Recognition as a Silver Level contributor in the program

  • Gold Oak Leaf on the Feazell Giving Tree

  • Preferential seating at the LEIF Recognition Program


BRONZE Sponsorship - $250-$499

  • Recognition as a Bronze Level contributor in the program

  • Gold Oak Leaf on the Feazell Giving Tree


LEIF Sponsorship - up to $249


Purchasing a LEIF leaf is a great way to advertise your business or honor or memorialize a loved one. A contribution may be made "In Honor of" or "In Memory of" for those donations in excess of $250.


All proceeds will be used by LEIF to improve education in Lowndes County Schools. You may make a contribution by mail using the LEIF Contribution Form or donate now by clicking the link below. 





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